Setup STM tools on Apple Sillicon
For begining
In this tutorial I collect everything notes about setup STM tools on typical Apple Sillicon based devices (MacBook's includes Pro versions, iMacs, etc)
Install JDK, who needs for every STM tools
First of all, there are 2 kind of software that we will to install: STM32 Cube MX, IDE and STM32 Cube Programmer with security boot:
STM32 Cube MX, IDE
This installing is simple, follows the link and download version for MacOS. Do it in automatic mode, no modifications.
After installaction you have two programms:
STM32 Cube MX for graphical setup and design of chip internals
And STM32 Cube IDE for writting code and debug.
STM32 Cube Programmer, Trusted Package Creator
These two software used for connect to STM32 MPU's like STM32MP157 and others.
The installation is the same as for CubeIDE, follows the link and download version for MacOS. Also not needed any modifications.
After installaction you also have two programms:
STM32 Cube Programmer
And STM32 Trusted Package Creator
After installation every tools should to check that everything is working, this will be described in my next publications.